I. Arcade - is a 3 step web 2.0 template that will create accounts on random arcade based sites from our list (step1), confirm email activation (step2) and post a link to your website in the profile along with short title (step3).
Fields used:
Step1: Username, Password, Email configuration, title(web2.0 tab), Url's to your websites.
Step2: -.
Step3: title(web2.0 tab), Url's to your websites.
II. Dolphin - is a 3 step web 2.0 template that will create accounts on random dolphin based sites from our list and post short BIO note in profile along with your links (step1), confirm email activation (step2) and change BIO (OPTIONAL) (step3).
Fields used:
Step1: Username, Firstname, Lastname, Password, Email configuration, title(web2.0 tab), BIO, Tags(web2.0 tab), Gender, DoB.
Step2: -.
Step3: title(web2.0 tab), BIO.
III. Elgg - is a 3 step web 2.0 template that will create accounts on random elgg based sites from our list (step1), confirm email activation and post a blog along with our links (step2) and eventually repost (poster).
Fields used:
Step1: Username, Password, Email configuration.
Step2: title(web2.0 tab), Password, Short title(Blogs data tab), Post, tags(web2.0 tab).
Poster: all posters use articles from ZenBLOG or from articles folder in project directory.
IV. Pligg - is a 4 step web 2.0 template that will create accounts on random pligg based sites from our list (step1), confirm email activation (step2) and post a story in profile along with your links (step3), eventually repost (poster).
Fields used:
Step1: Username, Password, Email configuration, Url's to your websites.
Step2: -.
Step3: title(web2.0 tab), Url's to your websites, tags(web2.0 tab), BIO.
Poster: all posters use articles from ZenBLOG or from articles folder in project directory.
V. MW - is a 3 step web 2.0 template that will create accounts on random mediawiki based sites from our list (step1), confirm email activation (step2) and post short your content along with your links (step3), add content from articles eventually(poster).
Fields used:
Step1: Username, Password, Email configuration, title(web2.0 tab).
Step2: -.
Step3: Short title(blogs data tab), Long title(blogs data tab), tags(blogs data tab), post(blogs data).
Poster: all posters use articles from ZenBLOG or from articles folder in project directory.
VI. WPMS - is a 5 step web 2.0 template that will create accounts on random wordpress based sites from our list (step1), confirm email activation (step2) and create blog along with your links (step3), eventually repost (poster) and add links to blogs (blogroll).
Fields used:
Step1: Username, Email configuration, title(blogs data tab).
Step2: -.
Step3: Short title(blogs data tab), Long title(blogs data tab), tags(blogs data tab), post(blogs data), Link to related picture.
Poster: all posters use articles from ZenBLOG or from articles folder in project directory.
Blogroll: In order to use this template first thing to do is create "wpms_blogroll_links.txt" file in project folder("Your_Zennoposter_installation_folder/Progs/Results/project_name/"), place your links and anchors with following line structure: {url|url};{anchor1|anchor2|anchor3}. Blogroll will add random links from this file to previously created blogs.
VII. Phpfox - is a 3 step web 2.0 template that will create accounts on random phpfox script based sites from the list (step1), confirm email and post bio (step2), and post articles (poster).
Fields used:
Step1: Username, Firstname, Lastname, Password, Email configuration, title(web2.0 tab), BIO, Tags(web2.0 tab), Gender, DoB.
Step2: Password, Email configuration, title(web2.0 tab), BIO, Tags(web2.0 tab).
Poster: all posters use articles from ZenBLOG or from articles folder in project directory.
VIII. Phpmelody - is a one step template that will create profiles on random phpmelody script based sites from the list and place content from bio as well as link to your site (step1), step2 will check e-mail and add more accounts!.
Fields used:
Step1: Username, Firstname, Password, Email configuration, BIO, Gender, Url's to your websites.
Step2: BIO, Url's to your websites.
IX. Oxwall - is a 3 step template that will create accounts on multiple oxwall script based sites from the list (step1), activate accounts and create first post (step2), and post blog articles on previously created accounts (poster).
Fields used:
Step1: Username, Firstname, Lastname, Password, Email configuration, Gender.
Step2: Password, title(web2.0 tab), Tags(web2.0 tab), BIO.
Poster: all posters use articles from ZenBLOG or from articles folder in project directory.
X. Clipbucket - is a 2 step template that will create accounts on multiple clipbucket script based sites from the list (step1), activate accounts and create profile with URL to your site and BIO(step2).
Fields used:
Step1: Username, Firstname, Lastname, Password, Email configuration, Gender, title(web2.0 tab), BIO, tags(web2.0 tab), DoB.
Step2: Username, Firstname, Lastname, Password, Email configuration, Gender, title(web2.0 tab), BIO, tags(web2.0 tab), DoB.
XI. Jcow - is a 2 step template that will create accounts on multiple jcow script based sites from the list (step1), activate accounts and create profile with URL to your site and post a blog post (step2).
Fields used:
Step1: Username, Firstname, Lastname, Password, Email configuration, Gender, title(web2.0 tab), BIO, tags(web2.0 tab), DoB.
Step2: Username, Firstname, Lastname, Password, Email configuration, Gender, title(web2.0 tab), BIO, tags(web2.0 tab), DoB.
XII. Sharetronix - is a 4 step microblogging template that will create accounts on multiple sharetronix script based sites from the list (step1), activate accounts (step2) and create profile with URL to your site and post a microblog post (step3). Poster will add micro articles to previously created accounts.
Fields used:
Step1: Username, Firstname, Lastname, Password, Email configuration.
Step2: Username, Firstname, Lastname, Password, Email configuration.
Step3: Url's to your websites, all step3 microblogging platforms use micro articles (button located next to articles button in ZenBLOG application).
Poster: All posters for microblogging platforms use micro articles (button located next to articles button in ZenBLOG application).
XIII. StatusNet - is a 4 step microblogging template that will create accounts on multiple statusnet script based sites from the list (step1), activate accounts (step2) and create profile with URL to your site and post a microblog post (step3). Poster will add micro articles to previously created accounts.
Fields used:
Step1: Username, Firstname, Lastname, Password, Email configuration, Url's to your websites.
Step2: -
Step3: All step3 microblogging platforms use micro articles (button located next to articles button in ZenBLOG application).
Poster: All posters for microblogging platforms use micro articles (button located next to articles button in ZenBLOG application).
XIV. Jisko - is a 4 step microblogging template that will create accounts on multiple jisko script based sites from the list (step1), activate accounts (step2) and create profile with URL to your site and post a microblog post (step3). Poster will add micro articles to previously created accounts.
Fields used:
Step1: Username, Password, Email configuration.
Step2: -
Step3: Url's to your websites, all step3 microblogging platforms use micro articles (button located next to articles button in ZenBLOG application).
Poster: All posters for microblogging platforms use micro articles (button located next to articles button in ZenBLOG application).
XV. PhpFusion - is a 3 step template that will create accounts on multiple phpfusion script based sites from the list (step1), activate accounts (step2) and create profile with URL to your site (step3).
Fields used:
Step1: Username, Password, Email configuration.
Step2: -
Step3: Url's to your websites.
XVI. Dzoic - is a 2 step template that will create accounts on multiple dzoic script based sites from the list (step1), activate accounts and create profile with URL to your site and bio with link(step2).
Fields used:
Step1: Username, Password, Email configuration, Firstname, Lastname, Gender, DoB.
Step2: BIO, Url's to your websites.
XVII. Joomla - is a 3 step template that will create accounts on multiple joomla script based sites from the list (step1), activate accounts (step2) and post a blog post(poster).
Fields used:
Step1: Username, Password, Email configuration, Firstname, Lastname, .
Step2: -
Poster: all posters use articles from ZenBLOG or from articles folder in project directory.
XVIII. Drupal - is a 2 step template that will create accounts on multiple drupal script based sites from the list (step1), activate accounts and post a blog post (step2).
Fields used:
Step1: Email configuration, subdomain url .
Step2: all posters use articles from ZenBLOG or from articles folder in project directory.
In order to run any web 2.0 template first thing to do is prepare appropriate project in ZENBlog application and make it active. Note that for all 2.0 platforms you can have only one active project at a time to run every single of them. %LINK% is also supported here (Main data tab in edit project window in ZENBlog app (URLS to your websites section) or WEB 2.0/Bookmarks tab (Bio/About me section)). Step1,2,3 need to be run in order. Execution count set to 1 is enough, as well as success count. Each step will give notification once the list is completed and get 100% completed mark in Zenno app(if there is no alert notification and project shows 100% you need to click +1 button to resume list). All steps support multi-thread running(in order to run multiple threads set desired Maximum # of threads in ZennoPoster app as well as execution count). IMPORTANT! - do not change active project or project data such as email config between separate steps!
Whenever you put %LINK% symbol either in Main data tab in edit project window in ZENBlog app (URLS to your websites section) or in WEB 2.0/Bookmarks tab (Bio/About me section) our templates will search for custom link and replace %LINK% with it. Each link in the file must be in new line - custom links can be added in ZENBlog window under %LINK% button for every project. It doesn't matter if you put http:// or without it in front of each line. In case when template doesn't find "custom_links.txt" file, it will replace %LINK% with random blog address created for this project.
template_name_step1.xmlz - this step will create as many accounts as possible on multiple arcade platforms in one loop. When this step is done it will show alert that the list has ended - now you can run step2.
template_name_step2.xmlz - this step will download all confirmation emails and click on confirmation links. When this step is done it will show alert that the list has ended - now you can run step3.
IMPORTANT! - before you start step2 for any web 2.0 platform first thing to do is setting your computer date and time settings to english(UK), it is caused by ZennoPoster MP bug - it's not about timezone but time/date settings.
Setting date and time to english(UK) for Windows 7:
- go to control panel,
- set view to category,
- click on Clock, Language and region,
- click on Change date and time format,
- choose english(UK or USA),
- restart ZennoPoster MP application.
Setting date and time to english(UK) for Windows XP:
- go to control panel,
- Click Date, Time, Language, and Regional Options, and then Click on Regional and Language Options,
- click Customize,
- choose english(UK or USA),
- restart ZennoPoster MP application.
SECOND IMPORTANT! - RUNNING STEP2 in multiple threads - In order to run step2 for ANY web 2.0 platform in multiple threads first thing is to set maximum number of threads for template to desired number, then set execution count to 1, wait till email is downloaded and popclient.exe application shuts down, then set execution count to 2 and wait till popclient closes again, repeat until desired number of threads is set.
template_name_step3.xmlz - this step will log into previously created and activated accounts and place links to our websites in profile along with titles and BIO etc. Results can be visible under web 2.0 result button in ZENBlog app and other buttons for pligg, elgg, wpms and MW. When this step is done it will show alert that the list has ended.
template_name_poster.xmlz - this step is optional for some platforms - it will log into existing accounts and either change BIO or post a new story. It also shows alert when the list is done.
Sample video how to set up templates in ZennoPoster application (turn on subtitles for commentary):